Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008
||Killin' me softly
But, who knows, I m dying slowly. Try to imagine.
7 days given to study insurance. 2 days given on internet and yumcha-ing. Lying on the bed , rock n roll, magazine, movie, drama, GTO-ing...
5 days left.
5 days for 20 chapters, each chapter minimum 20 pages, maximum 30 pages.
Every chapter is FULL with word, words and words. No graphic.
Now I should sing Roberta Flack's track. Killing me softly...~
God Bless Me, Let me die spectacularly...>.<
p/s: Raja Petra was releases. F**K off the ISA, n useless U*N*!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
哦~查基先生有没有改革的意愿,我不知道。听你讲?kisiao mie~
不过,你只剩下5个月罢了,zomok 还要维护内按法令?难道一个人在民主国家没有维护自己的权利?这跟缅甸的昂山淑姬被人用枪逼下台有什么分别?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
1. Lack of moral and intellect development among adults.
- Sometimes kinda proud of being a Malaysian because when you enjoy the most advanced( in SEA) technologies, and the fantastic night life does make me wanna stay longer. However, the facilities you observed is considered as first class but the citizens just maintain in third class minded. I had my lunch in my university, while I Q up to pay for my meal. Suddenly an adult, about 22-26 years old, with a long sleeve shirt, he did look smart in wearing, but he cut my line. The line is not long but he invited his friend to join his " Line cutting " session. I just wonder they are here with a primary thinking or having Alzheimer's. So sad to see this. Another thing, last week, I had my lunch at one of the cafe in my university. I took a plain rice with few cut rectangular taufu( not those Japanese Taufu), the boss counted it to RM3.80! I was fainted, no meet, no seafood, no eggs but so expensive! I argued with them, and then they made it to RM2. It's not meaning I'm a winner or he is a loser, I just feel poor to this kind of mindset, is it just to do for the profit and you can assign the price as you wanted? He is a businessman, but he didnt deserve a good businessman. Sad story.
2. Local University students seldom concern to the environment.
-I was that kind of type before entering to local university. However, you will never finish learning by just keep on revising your text book, but that's fine if you tend to achieve something excellent in your academic, but I beg you please undergraduates, take sometimes to read the newspaper, and to analyse what is happening around you. When I said ISA, they know the alphabets, but they don’t know this act causes a democratic country become semi-democratic, it can arrest anyone without any reasons, as long as you are the suspision, like Raja Petra and Teresa Kok. Moreover, US is facing economic crisis which can lead to global financial risk, but seems like our local teenagers seems so relax to this issue, spending money like water, may be their parents work as " money printer". Such a sad tragedy after Tsunami.
3. "So-so" Politician.
- It is something very emotional, but you need to take sometimes to digest the speech by our beloved politicians. Anwar said Pakatan Rakyat has more than 33 senators, BN will no longer be the government. This was spoken out since earlier on, however, after 916 until now, still nothing coming out. What for? --- mentioned about "Teori Penumpang Cina", a great resonance waved back to him since his speech contained destructive meaning for a democracy country like Malaysia, this kind of speaking will never be welcomed but he never threaten by any act, especially ISA, what's wrong? The Sin Chew daily reporter yet arrested under ISA, what happen? It's too much! Last few days, HINDRAF was announced as an illegal society which will harm and destroy country's safety, spoken by Ministry of Internal Security Mr Saihami. Oh? When HINDRAF had threaten our country's safety? For my information, the greatest demonstration that played by HINDRAF seems like launching it in a very peaceful situation. Hey Boss, they stand up to protect their own right, asking their deserved respectation and concern, shouldn't they? Even some of them just to maintain their power and authority, they willing to say something critical to get their votes, like Kairil, such an Oxford student with a critical damaging thinking.
Conclusion: You can make this country a better one. Chase away your selfishness and overloaded self-esteem, it will never bring any goods for you and your generation. Think it twice baby.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I get to know the direction to Masjid Jamek, planning to somewhere during year-end. After the debate session, I found a new me, I mean the correct way and the decision I had made is the right one.
Ya, keep moving, I believe in time.=)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
星期五-与Dear dear吃了午餐后就再续“睡”缘。醒来后,吃了一些巧克力,剩下的月饼(未开封的啦~)再睡2个小时。起床后-晚餐,看戏,宵夜,巧克力。。。就像整只猪的生活。。。=.="

Friday, September 12, 2008

可怜的拉惹伯特拉,不断地为这个国家挑出问题,他自家的“今日大马”网站被人封锁。可怜的他,也可怜大马的言论及媒体自由,沦落到被“人家”认为具有煽动性,涉及敏感话题“而遭受挑战,甚至封锁网站,可悲!这也算了。竟然在“今日大马”网站给解封时,用“内按法令”抓拿拉惹伯特拉!或许他们认为没有了拉惹伯特拉,就不会有人挑战大马政治,可是这种做法只是令人反感,反而制造更多的拉惹伯特拉!!!平时抓贼没那么厉害,遇到将的事情就排山倒海的触动总动员,果然是 Polis Raja Di Malaysia!(原译:Polis Diraja Malaysia )
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I planned to India during the end of this year, I wish to have a different experience for my 21st year in the world. Too sad to say, my bag-pack partner, Dary is facing some family issues, and it is something wrong with the financial supports. You might advice me to go alone, but what is the point of going alone without someone to share with you? My dear is busy for the whole year, I can't expect anything, just hope that my dear has enough time to date with me. It is the most sufficient thing in the world~
Hope that this is a right choice.
Congratulation to my lovely younger brother. First he was chosen to take part in the PLKN(Program Latihan Khidmat Negara), it is the best experience for him, not everyone has the chance to serve for the country, serve for the social. Second thing is he is chosen to be one of the 10% for non-bumiputeras to furthur his study in Matriculation! Such a great news! At least mother need not to worry his furthur study fees, it is subsidised by the government.
Glad that father is giving his greatest blessing to us...=)
Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Unfortunately, there was an incident happend in my life, the first time and I hope it will never happen again to me .
Morning 0525, we set off from Dary's house while on the way to LCCT to pick up Fang-Ren and her friend, May. Actually they can reach KL before 11pm, but the flight was delayed for 5 HOURS! So that when they reached LCCT was around 4 in the morning, once Dary's received their call, we went to LCCT immediately after that heavy supper.
While we were starting the engine, there was a silver car came to us, 4 persons inside a car, one of them sound like local Malay and the others looked like Indonesian. He asked:" Eh, macam mane pergi ke Taman Seri Setia?" We were puzzling. Since we have no idea at all and we were in the rush so Dary said:" Sorry I pun tak tau sorry yea~" Then, they left us behind.
0720, we reached Dary's house and we were on the way walking to his house to take some rest. Suddenly the same Honda with silver colour and the same persons drove to us and blocked our way! They were in the quick, came down from the car and one of them, the driver used the sterling lock( It is large!) threathen me! I was so scared until I dropped all my valueable things on the floor! I don't know what to do that time! I was blanked! Then I screamed to them: " Please give me back my IC ,please!!!" I was begging to them, but they ignored me and grabbed all my stuffs(A wallet with RM 200++ cash ,the wallet was my Birthday gift from my sister, 2 handphone which were Nokia and Sony Ericsson 750i) , run away.
That was the unlucky one. The lucky one were they didnt hit me eventhough they were trying to use the most barbarian and violant way to rob my things, they didnt kidnap anyone of us( Although they were trying to do this, I guess) . Dary and Fang-Ren were fine, they were safe in the physical mean.
I'm not sure it is a lucky day or a black day to me. It's too bad to redeem my Identity card ,driving licence and matriculation card. The cash is kinda huge amount to me, but it is not important in this case as we can get back the money in the future. The lucky things were I'm still neat and nice here expressing my feeling via blog, since most of the snatch theft were mercyless and I'm still safe here.
Be alert next time ! That is the thing I can advice you, don't let the criminals to harm you in any meaning, your life is priceless, think about your beloved one, if this happen to you(touch wood~), safe yourself first .
Take care everyone.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
|| Melacca: A travel back to history

Jonker Street. We were roasted become chicken rice, they get mad until want to shoot the camera man~

Eh, the story of cowboys sambil singing umbrella~
Don't ever challenge her!

Stadhuys Square: Such a nice scene with beautiful people
"Rose-rose I love you"
Flower Square, Soo Hao, Timothy Cruise, Ryan Gan, Sabrina Holmes, Gwen Zero
Ruins of Fort A Famosa : Alfonso de Alburqueque punya pasal~

Baba Nyonya Food, it's so local and taste good!
Second day~2nd July 2008
Bangunan yang terpesong~
Melacca Dutch Windmill
The view of Stadhuys Square
Canals in Melacca
Em, well they need some therapies,anyone?
Capitol Satay Celup( Satay Kajang is nicer la~)
Our supper: Tom Yam Steamboat!!
P/s: Specially thanks to Mr Gan becuase of provided a roof to cover us, Mr Ong's car, Mr Low's "super" driving skills, Ms Beh's photo shooting.
Friday, June 20, 2008
我要发奋图强,希望我的信心能为我继续努力,无论结果是多么的风险,多么的艰辛。 因为我深信未到最后,千万不要放弃,要不然一切都结束了。
Friday, May 23, 2008
5月16日,龚晋加入了广东省第二批医疗救援队,在绵阳周边展开了医疗救援工作,开始以一名医生的身份投入“战斗”,他在现场以更加坚强的声音去鼓励那些伤者:放心,你们要挺住。采写:记者 严艳
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
|| The wonder of internet, to educate the ignorant
I do believe, some people thought that they are living in their own world.
Like this...
This brainless and handicapped Mercedes driver was blocking the alternative way which caused traffic jam during the peak hour.
The alternative way had became his alternative parking.
Such a nice set of wheels in the wrong set of hands…Sunday, May 11, 2008
|| I have a date with JOGOYA!~
Finally, I fed up with all the photos, I need more time to catch up the foods!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
|| Phobiaism
Could't sleep for the whole day, I'm not afraid of exam, but thinking the unpredictable future.
Another 4 papers to go:
1. Ethnics in Science and Technologies-29/4/08
-Teaching you how to think critically and be good in sciences. Sorry, not into such lame subject, I have my own princip in doing sciences, even i against the natural law is my business. Is a must for FST students.
*FST- Faculty of Science and Technologies.
2.Linear Algebra-30/4/2008
-Dealing with matrices and vector. Matrices is still OK for me, at least I had the basic. Vector? Nah! Go back to your mama sides, I don't need this!
-Integration, Vectors, Line Integral, Partial differentiation...Going to get mad because a load of formulas are waiting me to memorise. I dont understand the concept, and I don't give it a damn!
4.Alam dan Manusia-6/5/2008
-Because of this useless subject, I can't go to AIESEC Fight HIV/AIDS conference. Blek*~
Wish me luck~
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A creamy and tasty seafood porridge located at My juice ,Puchong
This was what I did during my study week...>.<
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
||No Air
My addiction to this song:
Monday, April 14, 2008
||สงกรานต์ Songkran-Thai New Year

Songkran festival
The momentum

They sprinked and splashed

The focus was the temple

We get sunburnt, argh!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
||The White Coffin
Monday, March 31, 2008
10pm 到现在:依然是在线上,明天虽然有Story Telling 考试,可是觉得不想去温习,很懒惰,很颓废,心里面只有玩,睡觉,放假,辩论,吃,走街。。。就是不想读书,可能要等到Study Week才会有所警觉。。。无奈~
Sunday, March 16, 2008