Sunday, November 9, 2008


Raja Petra 被释放,根本是应该的,因为他都没有做错什么事,是政府自己多此一举,浪费纳税人的钱,浪费警力,浪费时间。国家名誉倒退必然是你们的错!







||Killin' me softly

After 4 days battle, glad that i can have time to rest...

But, who knows, I m dying slowly. Try to imagine.

7 days given to study insurance. 2 days given on internet and yumcha-ing. Lying on the bed , rock n roll, magazine, movie, drama, GTO-ing...

5 days left.

5 days for 20 chapters, each chapter minimum 20 pages, maximum 30 pages.

Every chapter is FULL with word, words and words. No graphic.

Now I should sing Roberta Flack's track. Killing me softly...~

God Bless Me, Let me die spectacularly...>.<

p/s: Raja Petra was releases. F**K off the ISA, n useless U*N*!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


I can't imagine if I failed any of it
*Statistical Inference*
*Statistical Modelling*
Well, the papers were TOO technical and formulated. Unless you have a technical brain.
In fact, to a typical Gemini, I tend to have something spontaneous, but why the person who set the questions are so eager to formulate the papers?
I don't want to retake any of it. It is not about shamefulness, but I don't want my brain to be formulated or drawn by formulas. >.<