Monday, March 31, 2008









8pm-10pm-应该是在讨论着辩论题,或者有开会,彩排之类的。可是我却在家里看>,Alien 很咳突,也流很多口水(黏黏的。。。)

10pm 到现在:依然是在线上,明天虽然有Story Telling 考试,可是觉得不想去温习,很懒惰,很颓废,心里面只有玩,睡觉,放假,辩论,吃,走街。。。就是不想读书,可能要等到Study Week才会有所警觉。。。无奈~


Sunday, March 16, 2008






Saturday, March 15, 2008







就在这个时候,国会在野党领袖、霹雳州怡保东区国会议员林吉祥在遴选着霹雳州务大臣时,却抛下震撼弹拒绝接受回教党州秘书莫哈末尼查(Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin)出任州务大臣。






Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Theory of unconsciousness

"Democracy is the best revenge"

I moved my body along the street, taking so much of memories in pieces.

Nothing can ruin my life as usual, but sometimes people used to pratice pariahism when they try to give up, so upset to see such stories, what more those who hijacking materialism in such ravaged world.

Like this, totally vulnerable.

p/s: Genius is immediate but talent takes time. Gimme a break!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Another side of Election

Too passive in knowing politics, sorry to say that, it is nothing to make me feel that has the interest.

But something made me mad when I was on the way to my lovely home. When I was observing a traffic light, there was a flag with a stick fluttering to the right and blocked my vision , which it was inserted in ground in front of the traffic light. Moreover, when I looked at it, that is a flag about election! I feel so sad and the person who doing this is such an ass hole! Never thought of the consequences which may cause car accidents .

Another thing, people nowadays started to become concerned more about white pollution, a term coined to describe the unsightly tumbleweed of plastic bags blowing around on our streets, and guess what? Those so called" candidates" (i guess) putting and hanging all the plastic-ed banner from trunk to roof, you may see all the banners, flyers, posters, fell every corner, like a death city.

Something worst happened in my university. They used to be having this kind of election, and after the election , you can see the the promoting stuffs are distributed everywhere, until today, the moment I stepped out from my college, the banner of " Undilah xXx demi keselesaan universiti" is still sticking on the wall. Alhamdullilah...

I'm not promoting anything, but feel so sick with these kind of attitudes, no considerations, taking chances as granted, and again created another bad impression to local elections. I think I should complain to the Alam-Flora and urge them to clean up the banners immediately.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Taking chances

Give yourself a chance.This is what I told to myself always.

Of course, it is not encouraging you to do something bad, but something can benefit your living experiences and enhance your personal skills.

Some people might afraid of giving her/himself another chance, so scare of trying new things, but this kind of thinking should be recorrect, like what my lecture told me:" Learning new things won't harm your brain, and it is a great place to waste!"

Then, after taking the chances, don't waste it. May be you didn't do well, or the worst, failed but at least you stepped out from the mirrage, do it on your own and learned something.

So, don't take every chance as granted, appreciate it and take it as an experience so that live life to the fullest!!!

p/s: The idea was captivated by this sophisticated cover, enjoy~