Yeah, the X'mas gift is fascinating, I like it so much.Sometimes I just wish to have a memorable day with you, and yet you end up with your tentativeness.
This year, I have a blessed and wonderful X'mas eve, however I ended up it with sleeping(10 hours!)!
p/s:The High-Tea buffet in Sheraton Hotel was nice, addicted to strawberry again!
Well, was invited to Miss Gwen's house to Barbecue! With Jane and her family(Auntie loss 5 kg after dieting!). Nice grilled chicken wing, crunchy drumsticks with herbs seasoning , fresh salads(fresh apple cubes, raisin, cabbage slices,and of course the yummy mayonnaise!). Beyond doubt, Miss Gwen is an expert in barbecue, next time she can choose to be a griller, selling satay!! Yeah, a-moi 你好有型啊!
p/s again...:well, lightning effects were poor, I could only see darkness via the photos!
p/s again...:well, lightning effects were poor, I could only see darkness via the photos!

Merry Christmas!
Hey sexy baby... Next time I company you la~
U now change ur blog site edi? No wonder long time didnt c u update ur friendster blog.
Goin back2 study soon rite?
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