However, we did notice many tragedies happen around the world that time, but at least I'm glad to say during my childhood memory, I didn't see any serious social problem like what is happening around the world right now, yet in Malaysia. Kidnapping is a serious issue , if you still remember the case of 邓菘升 .It happened when I was just standard 3 if I were not mistaken. This case had shaken the social safety alarm, but at least it happened just once in a half year(based on unprofessional calculations) .
The thing you can see now :The headlines of the newspaper are about the social safety issues , and many forwarded messages to urge the world to be careful in every second, especially for young ladies , women and aged ladies. Sincerely, this is a sign of sickness, the world is going to become a sinful planet, human are unable to return the innocence, they created the crimes to fulfill their desires or worst, their selfishness. For instance , Raping is happening at every corner of the world, most of the times ladies are targeted, so men, please protect the ladies and women you love the most to avoid any unwanted tragedies! Robbery and Snatch Theft are growing problems in this little developing country,some instances of snatch theft have caused fatalities through subsequent acts of violence! Another concern will be Child Abuse, happens in the child's home, large numbers of cases of child abuse have been identified within some organizations involving children, such as churches, schools, child care businesses, and in particular native residential schools, or in government agencies.
So the thing I'm gonna to say is the social no longer safe as what you think( Of course, think like that always) .I need to admit that, there are some kind-hearted people willing to give you a hand, but unfortunately there are much more monsters(they are another type of human being,but cold-blooded) who are mercy-less targeting their next target, for whatever reasons, Trafficking of human beings, purpose of exploitation. Exploitation includes forcing people into Prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, Forced Labour or services, Slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the Removal of organs. For Children exploitation may include also, illicit International Adoption, trafficking for early marriage, recruitment as child soldier or for Begging( some of them were kidnapped in the toilet or even fitting room, and transfered to other country within 24 hours, they lost their physical organs just to beg money from the social! Some will be sent to tourism based country for FREAKSHOW purpose! ).
These are just something you can see in the real example, some other crimes like Corruption, People Smuggling , Illegal Arms Trade, Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking, War Crime(Iraq and USA-生灵涂炭!) and Terrorism(to be distinguished from domestic terrorism) are going on in this sinful planet!
I'm not trying to break your confidence to the world, not being pessimistic. When you think about your lovely family, and your brilliant future, BE CAREFUL ALWAYS, avoid yourself from being the next victim!

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