Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
2005年12月31 日,小乙望着窗外的烟花,觉得今年的烟花比较少。

Thursday, November 8, 2007

那天的心情正纳闷着,尤其是那忧郁的天气令人的脸部狂妄的抽蓄。离开了床面,机械似的扭开电视机观赏昨天刚买的《再见萤火虫》。影片一开始就定下了一个悲剧的论调,让观众必须沉浸其中 以达到悲剧的效果,在其后倒叙的故事中,观众——包括我在内的善良的人们,则必须在尽力克制之后才可以避免眼泪的流淌。那个衣衫褴褛的少年,躺在通道出 口,忍受着失去亲人的悲痛以及饥饿和寒冷的多重折磨之后死去。那是在战争结束后的一个月。
一个日本高级海军军官父亲,在孩子的眼中是伟大的,他是为国家而战,也是为他的孩子的尊严而战,所以,他无疑是伟大的。在影片中,父亲的角色是以照片和回忆的形式呈现,他存在于孩子的记忆 中。他有一双可爱的儿女,有一个温良贤惠的妻子,他应该爱着他的家庭,也被家庭所爱,但他作为一个军人却是必须要承担起战争的职责,他只能去战斗,而留给 他的家庭的是骄傲和思念。本来,如果战火没有蔓延到他的国家,他的家庭可以继续为他而骄傲着,但是当轰炸延伸到他的国家的时候,一切悲剧也就因此而开始。
14岁的清太深爱着他的父母以及那可爱的妹妹。无奈却必须负担起一个男人应该承担的责任。影片用了过多的笔墨来描述清太和妹妹的感情,装糖果的小铁盒子和漫天飞舞的萤火虫也是在这时候为我们营造出了一种幸福的氛围,哥哥拉着妹妹的手在夜晚的奔跑,以及妹妹银铃般的笑声却为接下来发生的巨大悲剧做出了无情的铺垫。空袭开始了,就在清太背着妹妹节子逃走的时候,他们的母亲在空袭中受到重伤,并在无法医治的情况下去世——在她被抬出去的时候,在那些厚重的纱布缝隙中,可 以清晰的看到蠕动着的蛆虫和不断飞舞着的苍蝇,而清太只能默默的看着,无能为力。他能够做到的,只能是暂时瞒着年幼的妹妹。
与清太和妹妹节子之间的亲情相比,他们与姨妈之间的感情成为巨大的讽刺。母亲去世之后,兄 妹两人投靠了他们的姨妈,原以为这样会让生活幸福一些,可是战争已经让亲情疏远,物质的贫乏更使得人们彼此冷漠。为了不再忍受姨妈一家的白眼,清太毅然带 着妹妹节子离开这个冷漠的地方,而宁愿搬到郊外一个废弃的山脚的防空洞生活,在战火中两个人相依为命。但他们是快乐的。
穿插在世界大战内,萤火虫再次飞舞了,可是他们的厄运却不断的降临,饥饿和疾病成为困绕他们的最大问题,为了 让妹妹能够不再饿肚子,清太宁可去偷,而且是趁飞机轰炸的时候,每当他在逃离的家庭找到一些吃的东西,他都会无比的兴奋。影片为这段生活赋予了更多的笔 墨,废弃的家园,荒凉的原野,每一个细节看起来都那么真实,恬淡与残酷相间,冷漠与温情并存。其中有两个细节很触动人心,其一,清太偷东西被人捉住,被毒 打之后扭送到警察局,警察很体谅清太的处境,把他释放了;其二,清太去买东西的时候,听到人们在谈论他们的国家已经战败,他愕然,他再次想到了他的父亲。 快乐仅仅只是短暂的一瞬,恶劣的环境使节子身上起了湿疹,但他们没有钱去看病,更没有钱去买来药品……终于,年幼的妹妹没能逃过饥饿和疾病的双重折磨,悲惨死去。

Monday, November 5, 2007
基本上这个是她个人的第5张专辑,于10月30日全球同步发行。顾名思义《BLACKOUT》这张专辑是她自从《IN THE ZONE》后的鲜明作品,逃不离的音乐类型就像Pop, 和 R&B 都是碧妮的特色,其中这是关于告别负面以及面对生活的专辑。当中的主打《Gimme more》不但得到各电台的青睐,还有许多外界的朋友都对于这首歌竖起拇指,加强碧妮的信心!~内容嘛,就见仁见智咯,哈哈~!

It is Britney's fifth album and also the latest one,《Blackout》 which was released on October 30, 2007 around the world. As the tittle blackout is about blacking out the negativity and embracing life.There was confusion as to the album's title prior to an official announcement. Spears's website ran a competition for fans to vote for the album's title, however none of those names were used.
Most reviews were positive. Entertainment Weekly gave the album a B+ rating and praised the album as
基本上这个是她个人的第5张专辑,于10月30日全球同步发行。顾名思义《BLACKOUT》这张专辑是她自从《IN THE ZONE》后的鲜明作品,逃不离的音乐类型就像Pop, 和 R&B 都是碧妮的特色,其中这是关于告别负面以及面对生活的专辑。当中的主打《Gimme more》不但得到各电台的青睐,还有许多外界的朋友都对于这首歌竖起拇指,加强碧妮的信心!~内容嘛,就见仁见智咯,哈哈~!
It is Britney's fifth album and also the latest one,《Blackout》 which was released on October 30, 2007 around the world. As the tittle blackout is about blacking out the negativity and embracing life.There was confusion as to the album's title prior to an official announcement. Spears's website ran a competition for fans to vote for the album's title, however none of those names were used.
Most reviews were positive. Entertainment Weekly gave the album a B+ rating and praised the album as
"a perfectly serviceable dance album abundant in the kind of bouncy electro elements that buttressed her hottest hits."
Popjustice, famous for its unusual reviews, also praised the album calling it
Rolling Stone went on to give the album three and a half stars out of five and joked that Spears will
"modern sounding, and brilliantly produced."
Rolling Stone went on to give the album three and a half stars out of five and joked that Spears will
"continue to crank the best pop booty jams until a social worker cuts off her supply of hits"
||Without Calculator
Ole Ole Ole~
I've simplified all the questions, even though I might not able to get the answer, but at least I tried it, never give up until the end of the time.
Guessing what had happened to me?Alright I was having my final exam for my first year,thevery first semester,also the very first time I forgot to bring my CALCULATOR to the examination hall!!!
Early the morning, I supposed to wake up and give myself another last strike on Chemistry, but we learned all of this before, it mixed up with some biological knowledges,like biochemistry things. But guess what? I couldn't make it and I was awaken by my roommate!! but I was not rushing also, I still got time to have my Maggie and soya drink, but when I reached Kompleks Bestari( One of the examination hall in UKM) ,after few pages of the booklet,I need to calculate the calories of the food, I realized there is no any single calculator with me but was surrounded by all the calculators! It's so near to me, but I couldn't take it!~I looked around, all of the candidates are doing so hard to answer the questions, but I was still thinking WTF how come I could forget to bring this important toy with me!??
So? I scanned the last few pages...Ooh Shit!!! All the orders and moles need calculators!!( Can you imagine how to solve a question with "ln" and "log" type without any calculator or sifir book? Luckily the binary prefix is not too small,otherwise, I'll hang myself~! ) . I scrabbled my hair, playing with my fingers, looking around intentionally, sight-seeing, toilet-ing, day-dreaming,...Then I returned my attention to the dilemma to survive all this kind of thing...>.<
Few years ago, after I studied Additional Mathematics, first time in my life to face this dilemma, even though I know the calculations but still need to end up by guessing the answers.Haha!!
I've simplified all the questions, even though I might not able to get the answer, but at least I tried it, never give up until the end of the time.
Guessing what had happened to me?Alright I was having my final exam for my first year,thevery first semester,also the very first time I forgot to bring my CALCULATOR to the examination hall!!!
Early the morning, I supposed to wake up and give myself another last strike on Chemistry, but we learned all of this before, it mixed up with some biological knowledges,like biochemistry things. But guess what? I couldn't make it and I was awaken by my roommate!! but I was not rushing also, I still got time to have my Maggie and soya drink, but when I reached Kompleks Bestari( One of the examination hall in UKM) ,after few pages of the booklet,I need to calculate the calories of the food, I realized there is no any single calculator with me but was surrounded by all the calculators! It's so near to me, but I couldn't take it!~I looked around, all of the candidates are doing so hard to answer the questions, but I was still thinking WTF how come I could forget to bring this important toy with me!??
So? I scanned the last few pages...Ooh Shit!!! All the orders and moles need calculators!!( Can you imagine how to solve a question with "ln" and "log" type without any calculator or sifir book? Luckily the binary prefix is not too small,otherwise, I'll hang myself~! ) . I scrabbled my hair, playing with my fingers, looking around intentionally, sight-seeing, toilet-ing, day-dreaming,...Then I returned my attention to the dilemma to survive all this kind of thing...>.<
Few years ago, after I studied Additional Mathematics, first time in my life to face this dilemma, even though I know the calculations but still need to end up by guessing the answers.Haha!!
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